Anna Calderon Reich

January 8, 2006 on 1:01 am | In General | Comments Off

My great grandmother was Anna Calderon Reich. She passed away March 16, 2005 at the age of 102. This is her life story.
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Getting Ready for March Madness

January 2, 2006 on 8:23 pm | In Motherhood | Comments Off

Happy 2006! I am so happy to be rounding the corner into the final stretch of my pregnancy. As expected, the bigger I get, the more uncomfortable I get and I am anxious to get this baby out! Her nursery is almost ready and we are starting to get really excited about her arrival. We just returned from our last trip out of town to Cleveland. We got to spend the New Year with our friends, Erin and Ernest. We had a great time! Next week we start our child birth preparation class. In 2 weeks Pablo is going skiing for the weekend with his brother. Lucky duck! I wish I could go! My last day of school is Feb. 24th and from that day forward I will be taking it easy until the baby comes. Once the baby arrives, Pablo is taking a month off to be home with us and my mom is coming to stay for a week right after her birth. Don’t know when the rest of the grandparents will visit, but I am sure they won’t be able to stay away for too long.

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