It’s a Girl!!!!!!!!!!

October 28, 2005 on 7:34 pm | In Motherhood | Comments Off

The word seems to be out, but in case you haven’t heard, Pablo and I are expecting our first child in March 2006. Her name is to be Anna Caroline Averbuj and she was a very unexpected but welcomed surprise. Anna was my great grandmother’s name. She passed away not long ago at 102 years of age. Caroline is Pablo’s grandmothers name and she is 91. Both woman are an inspiration to those around them. We are proud to make her their namesake.

Right now we are about half way through the pregnancy. It has been relatively easy but I know the hardest part lies ahead. We can’t wait to meet her. Currently we are working on painting the nursery and getting her room organized. My belly has popped and it is clearly visible that I am with child. So far I don’t mind it too much, but I expect it to become more uncomfortable soon.

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